What is the key to your efficiency today? What determines you will have (or have not) the success? What is important in your professional life and career development today? This setting is the ability to develop, adapt to the new situation, to develop new competences, new knowledge.
The key is personal and professional development, work with people, tailored workshops (development program and / or coaching or mentoring processes). We acting on the basis of what is important for the client - his development plans, goals, values, succes, etc. The decision to choose a method and technology based on based on the existing ones, among others, on:
- Researching the company's needs
- Interviews with selected members of the project (IDI)
- Interview with selected superiors, members and subordinates
- Surveys for members (on-line, on-line questionnaires)
- Meeting with the trainer (s)
- Testing of competences and strengths with a psychometric test (various possibilities)
- Possible other (to be agreed)
Customer benefits
- Professional, dedicated development project designing
- No necessity of involvement the internal forces and resources
- Experience of trainers- consultants in the project
- Possibility to adapt procedures and standards to the Company requirements
- Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the organization
- Preparation of individual reports and common report of the project
- Possible support in the process of creating the improvement program
Benefits from the series of workshops:
- A sense of continuity of the development process
- Feeling motivated by a common goals and increasing of motivation
- Possibility to check worked out solutions in practice (on a regular basis)
- Possibility to developing and systematizing the knowledge
- Increasing the level of self-awareness
- Orientation towards systems thinking
We strongly believe that YOUR development of is a synonym of words such as:
- Efficiency - we learn through practice and experience; trainers are practitioners and experience with many years of experience who can always react efficient and flexible
- Effectiveness - adjusting the course of classes to the specificity of the industry, needs and expectations of students
- Commitment – 100% team work from the first meeting with the client to the presentation of the final report.
- Development - of all members participating in the project:
- Processing and experiencing (in various forms) of the new knowledge
- Practicing and testing new skills during and after the workshop
- Creating conditions for an open exchange of experiences
- Developed own, individual working methods, working methods
- Truth and satisfaction - hard work and workshop, in part provocative, but maximum
- involved and effective, not only attractive and pleasant to receive engaged and inspiring, not only attractive